Friday, August 1, 2008

Human Relationships in the 21st Century

Human Relationships of late has undergone a revolution.Apparently the emergence of nucleated families proves that.That is the direct result of "Westernizing" Indian society. This the modern global scenario. Keeping in mind the global trend of nuclear families I'd say that this modern concept of nuclear family system India has adapted from the west.So basically it is quite certain that human relationships have changed. But Is this change for the better or for the worse is yet to be determined. Is the Indian adaption of the Western form of relationships a boon or a bane?

A retrospective approach reveals that initial relationships in India were much more complex. Indian society was one that sported relationships with much pomp and show but minimal social distance. The fathers were considered benign dictators who were worthy of honour, respect, fear and athourity, but not love.

Modern human relationships are much simple with minimal show of affection, and increasing physical distances. But if physical distance is decreasing social distance then its too less a price to pay. So can we say that this is the west's gift to India? Are modern Indian Relationships changing for the better? To a certain extent ..yes.

However when you look beyond the average at the "exeptional " is when you get a clearer image. The purpose of writing "exeptional" within double quotes is that the term exeptional is actually a misnomer. That which had actually been an exeptional case has ceased to be one. Now itis more or less a public affair. Connected to the world through Internet, Orkut, Facebook, hi5 etc. but hey, who has got the time for one's own mother. That is a direct result of success. So.....
is India choking in its own success?That requires Introspection........
Think about it

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