Sunday, August 3, 2008

The "fix"

The Indian Economy is one of the impeding economies of the world. Now we are locked in what is called “A situational fix”. Do we focus on Economic development at the cost of Environmental degradation or do we sacrifice economic growth for Environment Conservation? A careful observation and interpretation of the situation is required for this. The prediction of the near future will be mandatory in order to make a judicious decision for in this decision lies the fate of mankind.

The immediate impact of neglecting the environment will be disastrous whereas economic development is a must if India is to combat growing poverty, famines, illiteracy, unemployment and to feed the teeming millions. However it would be unwise any of the above. Lack of sufficient capital and growing indebtedness to the World Bank has always been a problem for India. What needs to be done is to regulate the economy. Construction of massive high capital shopping malls is being executed. Needless development of Urban areas must be stopped and development of rural areas is to be done.

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